
About Us

Established in 1990 as part of the MMBA South East chapter, the Motor City Mountain Biking Association chapter of the International Mountain Biking Association is a section 501c3 advocacy organization focused on preserving, protecting, and promoting mountain bike access and diverse riding opportunities on Metropolitan Detroit’s public lands through education, communication, and unified action.

Last year our active membership contributed over 4300 hours of service, primarily developing and maintaining area trail systems. The Bureau of Labor calculates volunteer time at an hourly rate of $28, which means that the MCMBA annually contributes over $122,000 in direct labor to our local parks and mountain bike trails. Our fund raising events help support this work by purchasing tools and equipment for our volunteers, providing materials for bridges, kiosks, signs, and other capital improvements for our parks.

Working with our partner organizations, our chapter maintains approximately 100 miles of singletrack mountain bike trails in Oakland and Wayne counties. In addition, we are pursuing development opportunities for new trail systems in several communities.

The Motor City Mountain Biking Association is a member of the Michigan Mountain Biking Association, a federation of mountain biking clubs focused on state-wide advocacy issues.

  • Next up – Maybury Time Trial

    Next up – Maybury Time Trial

    August  28th, 2016 Championship Point Series The 11th Annual Maybury State Park Time Trial is Race #9 of the 2016 MMBA CPS series, brought to you by Trail’s Edge and the MCMBA. See 2016 Champion Point Series page for more information. The Course The course this year includes some awesome raceday only singletrack. This will be…

  • Tree Farm Relay!

    Tree Farm Relay!

    Thanks to everyone who joined us for one of the best Tree Farm Relay races ever! We hope you had as much fun racing as we did hosting! Results are available at http://www.newtontiming.com/results2016.html

  • July 2016 is Relay Month!

    July 2016 is Relay Month!

    A resolution to declare July 2016 as Tree Farm Relay Month.Whereas, the Motor City Mountain Biking Association and Team Tree Farm hosts a benefit race in July; andWhereas, MCMBA mountain bike races are a vibrant affirmation and expression of Michigan?s finest traditions, operating as volunteer-based events and raising funding for developing and maintaining Michigan trails; andWhereas, mountain…