
About Us

Established in 1990 as part of the MMBA South East chapter, the Motor City Mountain Biking Association chapter of the International Mountain Biking Association is a section 501c3 advocacy organization focused on preserving, protecting, and promoting mountain bike access and diverse riding opportunities on Metropolitan Detroit’s public lands through education, communication, and unified action.

Last year our active membership contributed over 4300 hours of service, primarily developing and maintaining area trail systems. The Bureau of Labor calculates volunteer time at an hourly rate of $28, which means that the MCMBA annually contributes over $122,000 in direct labor to our local parks and mountain bike trails. Our fund raising events help support this work by purchasing tools and equipment for our volunteers, providing materials for bridges, kiosks, signs, and other capital improvements for our parks.

Working with our partner organizations, our chapter maintains approximately 100 miles of singletrack mountain bike trails in Oakland and Wayne counties. In addition, we are pursuing development opportunities for new trail systems in several communities.

The Motor City Mountain Biking Association is a member of the Michigan Mountain Biking Association, a federation of mountain biking clubs focused on state-wide advocacy issues.

  • Michigan Comprehensive Trails Plan – Call to Action!

    Michigan Comprehensive Trails Plan – Call to Action!

    The DNR has announced that a draft of the new Michigan Comprehensive Trails Plan is available online for public review and comment. Read the draft at: http://www.michigan.gov/documents/dnr/draft_mi_trail_plan_12-2012_406477_7.pdf and submit comments using the survey at: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/7YM69D2 This plan is 140 pages in length, but the MTB trail-specific content begins at page 97 and ends at page…

  • MCMBA Mountain Bike Patrol

    MCMBA Mountain Bike Patrol

    The MCMBA is kicking off our very own IMBA National Mountain Bike Patroller program! You’ve see them at our races, you’ve seen them on the trails, and now you’ve got the opportunity to see one in the mirror! Once you have completed the online requirements, we will have local training courses set up for the…

  • Happy New Year

    Happy New Year

    Well, in 2012 brought the birth of the MCMBA and it did well. We had some great events such as the Tree Farm Relay & The Brunch at The Farm (Thanks Farmers). As well as the Maybury Time Trial (Thanks Cycle to Fitness) and The ever so popular Milford Challenge ( Thanks Builder Bill). We…