
About Us

Established in 1990 as part of the MMBA South East chapter, the Motor City Mountain Biking Association chapter of the International Mountain Biking Association is a section 501c3 advocacy organization focused on preserving, protecting, and promoting mountain bike access and diverse riding opportunities on Metropolitan Detroit’s public lands through education, communication, and unified action.

Last year our active membership contributed over 4300 hours of service, primarily developing and maintaining area trail systems. The Bureau of Labor calculates volunteer time at an hourly rate of $28, which means that the MCMBA annually contributes over $122,000 in direct labor to our local parks and mountain bike trails. Our fund raising events help support this work by purchasing tools and equipment for our volunteers, providing materials for bridges, kiosks, signs, and other capital improvements for our parks.

Working with our partner organizations, our chapter maintains approximately 100 miles of singletrack mountain bike trails in Oakland and Wayne counties. In addition, we are pursuing development opportunities for new trail systems in several communities.

The Motor City Mountain Biking Association is a member of the Michigan Mountain Biking Association, a federation of mountain biking clubs focused on state-wide advocacy issues.

  • Volunteer


    Volunteer Your time is important. Sure your membership helps and we can put your donations to good use, but if you really want to make a difference, give us a few hours of your time. Clearing branches off a trail after a storm, grilling food for hungry racers at a fundraising event, teaching eager children…

  • Library Overview

    Library Overview

    Library Our chapter maintains an archive of reference material and documents organized in a directory tree of files. Use the following browser to view or download these files. Advocacy Awards Chapter Meeting Agendas Chapter Meeting Minutes Chapter Organization MMBA Bent Rim Bugle Mountain Bike Patrol Trails Waivers and Forms  

  • Munson Park

    Munson Park

    Library > Trails > Munson Park