Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day

Take a Kid Mountain Biking with MCMBA,  May 21, 2022

Join us at Settlers Park in Hartland on May 21st, 2022  to take your kid mountain biking!

We will have basic skills coaching, group rides, and trail courses for different experience levels,. Bring a backpack for swag, snacks, and drinks!

This is a FREE family-friendly event. So join us to take a kid mountain biking!

Helmets are REQUIRED to ride. 



About Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day

IMBA’s Take A Kid Mountain Biking Day strives to encourage communities in the U.S.A. and around the world to join together and ride mountain bikes with kids. Take A Kid Mountain Biking Day (TKMBD) events range in size from a few kids and families to several hundred gathering at a local park or trailhead. IMBA clubs and chapters, retail shops, Trips for Kids, schools, scouts and community groups are encouraged to host events. Last year over 15,000 kids and family members participated in 150+ community events in the U.S. Several events were registered in other countries including: Italy, Australia, South Africa, Canada, Malaysia, and Mexico. 

Besides being good, healthy fun, the goal is to develop a connection between kids and the natural world around them. Today’s children are tomorrow’s land managers and politicians — future decision-makers for important matters like recreation and access to public lands. How different might our current access landscape look today if previous generations of policy makers had grown up riding bikes on natural-surface trails?


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