
Group Rides

Novi Nights, Lakeshore Park, Tuesdays at 6:30 (rolling at 6:45)

Folklore has the “Novi Nights” group ride starting on a blisteringly cold snowy Tuesday evening in November 2002.

Since then, a hearty group of bikers has continued this tradition, meeting at the park each Tuesday evening at 6:30, weather permitting, for a 6:45 ride start. In the depths of winter the group may be small, perhaps only a few people on snowshoes. On hot summer nights, there may be 50 or more riders.

Please join us – this is the perfect beginner-friendly group ride, stopping at several points to regroup and usually with a designated sweeper to ensure no one is left behind. Libations following at the nearby Lakeview Grill. For all of us, there was a first group ride – make next Tuesday yours!


  • Trail Work FAQ

    Trail Work FAQ

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