
We’d like to bid a warm welcome to our new friends!

This website provides a framework for information about the chapter: our mission, our trails, our calendar and events, and so forth. But the real chapter isn’t on the internet – it’s people like you, enthusiastic mountain bikers. You’ll find the chapter out on the trails: hosting group rides, doing trail work, running races, and helping others. Most of all, riding.

Most of our conversations occur on the statewide MMBA forums and on Facebook. Feel free to introduce yourself, ask questions, and get involved. It really doesn’t matter whether the bumper sticker on your car says IMBA, MMBA, or MCMBA – you’re among friends.


  • Next up: Milford Trail Challenge!

    Next up: Milford Trail Challenge!

    Registration at http://mcmba.org/index.php/events/milford-trail-challenge-info

  • Island Lake Spring Demo Day, May 7th

    Island Lake Spring Demo Day, May 7th

    Started in 2006 by local industry veteran James Knight, the Island Lake Spring Bike Demo is now in its 11th year bringing the best bikes in the market to your trail.  It’s a great chance to talk face to face with people who live the life: building, riding, and maintaining the bikes you want to…

  • Spring membership drive

    Spring membership drive

    IMBA has a spring membership promotion running, with perks for joining/renewing members and potential $ for the chapter! We’re close – so close – to our growth target. Just a few more new members joining (or existing members renewing early!) in the next few days and the chapter will receive a nice $ bonus –…