
We’d like to bid a warm welcome to our new friends!

This website provides a framework for information about the chapter: our mission, our trails, our calendar and events, and so forth. But the real chapter isn’t on the internet – it’s people like you, enthusiastic mountain bikers. You’ll find the chapter out on the trails: hosting group rides, doing trail work, running races, and helping others. Most of all, riding.

Most of our conversations occur on the statewide MMBA forums and on Facebook. Feel free to introduce yourself, ask questions, and get involved. It really doesn’t matter whether the bumper sticker on your car says IMBA, MMBA, or MCMBA – you’re among friends.


  • National Mountain Bike Patrol Training

    National Mountain Bike Patrol Training

    Thanks to all the folks who attended the National Mountain Bike Patrol training class this weekend and volunteered to be new mountain bike patrollers. There are going to be 15 new bike patrollers riding out there this year and next!  The day began in the classroom with an introduction to the role of a Patroller,…

  • Survey results

    Survey results

    Thanks again to everyone who participated in our recent chapter survey. We’ve read through all the comments and analyzed the feedback, and created a summary presentation that can be downloaded here. Over the next few weeks the chapter leadership will try to distill these results and other feedback that we’ve received into a set of…

  • Mountain Bike Patrol Training, Sept 15th

    Mountain Bike Patrol Training, Sept 15th

    We would like to invite anyone that is interested to join us for Mountain Bike Patrol training. For more information on the National Mountain Bike Patrol, check out the IMBA page here: http://www.imba.com/nmbp. If you are not sure if you want to join or not, this is free and you’re not required to commit to…