Forage at the Farm!

As Summer winds down, has the same old Sunday Morning brunch at the country club becoming a bore? Looking for something new, spending quality time with people who share your interests and won’t look down their noses at your spandex attire?

Join us for the 1st annual Forage at the Farm! progressive breakfast at Lakeshore Park, sponsored by the Motor City Mountain Biking Association. Assorted beverage, breakfast and brunch food stations will be found on the trail throughout the park.

What will you find? Will it be Mimosas in Maru’s Way? Crepes in the Crater Loop? Pancakes in PBR? Will you be overcome by the scent of frying bacon wafting through the Swamp Loop???

There’s only one way to find out!

Sunday, October 7th, Lakeshore Park in Novi. Starts at 9 until everything’s devoured.

No cost to participate, but donations gratefully accepted. Registration not required, but please let us know if you’re coming so we know how much to prepare.


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Food, friends, farm. Can it get any better than that?


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