Rouge Kiosk – Thanks!

Thanks to the MCMBA and SCA volunteers who invested their time and talents to finish the map Kiosk at Rouge Park last Sunday. These kiosks provide a solid anchor for each of our chapter trailheads – a place for riders to meet and to learn about area events and the trail. They also represent a significant investment of chapter funds into our trails in a very visible project that our land manager partners appreciate and value.

Thank you for your time and membership! You make projects like this possible.



  • Tri-Chapter Ultimate Trail Challenge

    Tri-Chapter Ultimate Trail Challenge

    The Clinton River Area Mountain Biking Association (CRAMBA), Motor City Mountain Biking Association (MCMBA), and the Potawatomi Mountain Biking Association (Poto MBA) are teaming up this year to present the 2016 Tri-Chapter Ultimate Trail Challenge. The challenge involves riding all 33 of three local IMBA chapter trails at least once during the 2016 season. The…

  • Welcome to our new Board Members!

    Welcome to our new Board Members!

    Please welcome our new incoming MCMBA board members! Amber Koa Katherine Rose Jason Martin Bill Hermann And thanks to Joe Foy for stepping up to fill the Vice Chairperson role for 2016!  

  • Chapter Meeting

    Chapter Meeting

    Join us as we wrap up a great 2015 and make plans for the new year! Wed, December 16th, 7:00 pm Bakers of Milford 2025 S. Milford Road, Milford MI 248-685-0505