Fat Bike, Mountain Bike, … Just go ride!
Need help getting started? There’s a lot of great advice on clothing, tires, and other winter riding topics in the MMBA Tips and Techniques forum.
Fat Bike, Mountain Bike, … Just go ride!
Need help getting started? There’s a lot of great advice on clothing, tires, and other winter riding topics in the MMBA Tips and Techniques forum.
Resolution No. 103. A resolution to declare July 2012 as Tree Farm Relay Month. Whereas, the Motor City Mountain Biking Association, Dark Horse Racing, and Team Tree Farm hosts a benefit race in July; and Whereas, MCMBA mountain bike races are a vibrant affirmation and expression of Michigan’s finest traditions, operating as volunteer-based events and…
Recently, we hosted a Stihl Chainsaw Safety and Maintenance course at Maybury State Park for our trail coordinators and interested volunteers. Our thanks to Fred Rinke at Bryan Equipment Sales and the staff at Maybury State Park for making this possible. In the coming months we hope to be able to resurrect the MMBA “Trail…
It’s a common refrain this time of year… “Trail was awesome yesterday but lots of face slappers and blind inside corners at speed.” “The trail was great, but the over growth was getting out of hand.” “Just like every other trail out there – there are way to many face slappers.” Warm weather, sun, rain…