Chapter Meeting, Sept 9th at Maybury

Please join us for an MCMBA chapter meeting at Maybury State Park on Sept 9th. We’ll provide a chapter update and a review of the results of our recent membership survey. This is a great opportunity to see what others are thinking, provide feedback, and help chart a course for the future of our chapter.

We’ll be meeting at the Oak shelter (see map at ). Enter the park off 8 mile and turn left at the T to park.

Bring your bike – the Maybury trail is open and in excellent shape.

We’ll fire up the chapter grill starting at 6 pm, and provide burgers, hotdogs, and soft drinks. Feel free to  bring adult beverages if you desire.

Meeting starts at 7 pm.

  1. Welcome and opening comments
  2. Approve Minutes from June Meeting
  3. Chapter update
  4. Survey result presentation and discussion
  5. Adjourn

We hope to wrap things up around 8:30, leaving time for a night lap of Maybury (bring lights!)

Out of park before it closes at 10 pm.

See you there!

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