Chapter Meeting, Sept 9th at Maybury

Please join us for an MCMBA chapter meeting at Maybury State Park on Sept 9th. We’ll provide a chapter update and a review of the results of our recent membership survey. This is a great opportunity to see what others are thinking, provide feedback, and help chart a course for the future of our chapter.

We’ll be meeting at the Oak shelter (see map at ). Enter the park off 8 mile and turn left at the T to park.

Bring your bike – the Maybury trail is open and in excellent shape.

We’ll fire up the chapter grill starting at 6 pm, and provide burgers, hotdogs, and soft drinks. Feel free to  bring adult beverages if you desire.

Meeting starts at 7 pm.

  1. Welcome and opening comments
  2. Approve Minutes from June Meeting
  3. Chapter update
  4. Survey result presentation and discussion
  5. Adjourn

We hope to wrap things up around 8:30, leaving time for a night lap of Maybury (bring lights!)

Out of park before it closes at 10 pm.

See you there!

  • FAQ Volunteers

    FAQ Volunteers

    Our volunteers contribute in a variety of ways, from simply trimming branches, to organizing fund raising events with hundreds of participants, to designing some of the best trails in America. We track volunteer work hours and reward our outstanding volunteers at the end of each year.

  • FAQ Trailbuilding

    FAQ Trailbuilding

    Trail design, development, and maintenance are key components of the MCMBA and mountain biking in Michigan.  Our trail design volunteers are trained by IMBA using standards developed by the National Park Service and National Forest Service.

  • FAQ Mission

    FAQ Mission

    Our mission: to preserve, protect, and promote mountain bike access and diverse riding opportunities on Metropolitan Detroit’s public lands through education, communication, and unified action.