Forage at the Farm!

Fall is here! Join us for the 2nd annual Forage at the Farm! breakfast at Lakeshore Park, sponsored by the Motor City Mountain Biking Association.

Sunday, October 13th, Lakeshore Park in Novi. Starts at 10am until everything’s devoured.


This year we’ll be locating our brunch delights in the pavilion near the trailhead kiosk to make the event a bit more family friendly. You’ll be able to sample everything even if the youngsters aren’t up to 10 miles of singletrack. And yes, there will be bacon.

Ride and eat, eat and ride, eat and run – it’s entirely up to you!

No cost to participate, but donations gratefully accepted. Registration not required, but please let us know if you’re coming so we know how much to prepare.

Food, friends, farm. Can it get any better than that?


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