2013 Volunteer Summary

On behalf of the thousands of area mountain bikers who enjoy our trails, I’d like to give a huge thanks! to our members who made it possible. In 2013, 120 volunteers recorded 2057 hours of volunteer time in our chapter, most of it doing boots on the ground trailwork.

A special thanks goes to our 2013 FAFL award winners:

Andrew Eldridge
Bill Hermann
Carole Baker
Christopher Schmitthausler
Dave Cox
Dave Mackey
Dean Clark
Diane Ursu
Don Chisholm
Joe Foy
Joe Lapinski
John Cox
Katherine Rose
Kevin Petts
Loren Konkus
Mark Dombrowski
Matt Bushore
Michael Faulk
Nate Sefcik
Norbert Skorupski
Samantha Simon
Scott Goocher
Sharon James
Steve Butler
Steve Steinberg
Taiyo Ichikawa
Tak Kakiuchi
Terry Brown
Tim Slabach
Tom Hermann
Wendy Cox

We’ll have a special token of appreciation at our booth at the Expo later this month. See you there!



  • Trail Conditions

    Trail Conditions

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