Membership Survey

Can you believe that it’s been two years since our last survey? Our world keeps changing, and we want to hear what you think. The Motor City Mountain Biking Association is sharing this survey to better understand your interests, needs, and perceptions of the chapter.

This survey includes sections on membership, chapter perception, trail days, and events.

This survey should take less than 10 minutes of your time. Feel free to skip questions or sections if you are not familiar with the area and focus on what is important to you.

Please click here to get started




    The Motor City Mountain Biking Association is a chapter of International Mountain Biking Association promoting mountain biking in the Metropolitan Detroit area.

  • Proud Lake Recreation Area Overview

    Proud Lake Recreation Area Overview

    Proud Lake The trails open to mountain biking are west of Wixom Road. They are now in great shape due in large part to MMBA volunteers. All are shared with equestrians, so check your speed, stay alert, and be prepared to yield the trail. Trail Status: open Trail Miles: 10 Entry Fees: All vehicles entering the…

  • Island Lake Recreation Area Overview

    Island Lake Recreation Area Overview

    Island Lake Recreation Area 25 years ago, the MMBA began work reestablishing the overgrown and long neglected Island Lake Recreation Area trail system. Today, these trails are now one of Michigan’s most popular mountain bike trail destinations. Many a mountain biker can claim Island Lake as their first singletrack experience, and it’s a great place…