Our next Chapter meeting is on March 10th at 7:00 PM at the Claddagh Irish Pub (17800 Haggerty Road, Livonia). We’ll be discussing upcoming trail days, improvements for each trail, and other MCMBA events for the year! See the meeting AGENDA for more details.
You know who would look great in this? You! Now available for a very limited time from the Motor City Mountain Biking Association team store at Primal. Get started by creating a new account at https://www.primalcustompro.com/NewTeamMemberCreate.aspx?TeamCode=MOTO44680 A portion of each sale benefits the MCMBA. Huge thanks to Dave Cox (DL Graphics) for the great design!
Chapter Meeting, Sept 8 2014
Please join us for an MCMBA chapter meeting. Recap our great summer, talk about the IMBA summit, share trail progress, upcoming events, and some cool special initiatives. Monday Sept 8th at 7 p.m. in the upstairs meeting room at Liberty Street Brewing. 149 W Liberty StPlymouth, MI 48170734-207-9600 Pizza provided – See you there!
What Every Rider Should Know
Ride Safely Mountain biking is a healthy and challenging activity, but riders should always be alert to the risks of injury inherent in our sport. Responsible behavior and good judgment are essential for you to safely enjoy mountain biking. Remember that the trails are part of a natural environment and include potential hazards. Rocks, logs,…