Maybury Time Trial CPS Race

This is the 12th annual MCMBA Benefit race held at Maybury State Park. Each year this event draws hundreds of racers and raises thousands of dollars for the Motor City Mountain Bike Association. Funds that go directly back into trail building, maintenance, fun events and education programs. 

This is always a fun race and a great way to support the MCMBA either as a participant or as a volunteer.  Pre-registration is open and you can order a limited edition Maybury TT Tee shirt at the following link.

The race is Sunday August 27th, 2017, please feel free to contact me for any further questions.

Thank You 
Mike Flack – MCMBA Maybury Race Director

  • FAQ Volunteers

    FAQ Volunteers

    Our volunteers contribute in a variety of ways, from simply trimming branches, to organizing fund raising events with hundreds of participants, to designing some of the best trails in America. We track volunteer work hours and reward our outstanding volunteers at the end of each year.

  • FAQ Trailbuilding

    FAQ Trailbuilding

    Trail design, development, and maintenance are key components of the MCMBA and mountain biking in Michigan.  Our trail design volunteers are trained by IMBA using standards developed by the National Park Service and National Forest Service.

  • FAQ Mission

    FAQ Mission

    Our mission: to preserve, protect, and promote mountain bike access and diverse riding opportunities on Metropolitan Detroit’s public lands through education, communication, and unified action.