Volunteer Opportunities & Recognition

Thank you to our amazing community of volunteers who devote their time, energy and funds to build and maintain the trails we all enjoy.

While most group volunteer opportunities have canceled or put on hold, we appreciate everyone who has continued to contribute their time and energy to maintaining and building our incredible trails. Please look for new trail days coming soon!


Removing invasive species is an easy way to help while you’re out on the trails, and veteran Trail Coordinator Mike Flack has some guidance on identifying and irradicating them in this great MCMBA YouTube video.



It not only demonstrates the commitment our members have to building and maintaining trails, but provides in-kind resources from parks when hosting events.

  • Trail Work FAQ

    Trail Work FAQ

    Trail Work FAQ The trails we love don’t just happen. Most of our trails were created by mountain bikers and are maintained by mountain bikers – just like you. Working on a trail you love to ride can be very rewarding. Each time that you ride the trail you’ll look back at your work with…

  • Welcome


    We’d like to bid a warm welcome to our new friends! This website provides a framework for information about the chapter: our mission, our trails, our calendar and events, and so forth. But the real chapter isn’t on the internet – it’s people like you, enthusiastic mountain bikers. You’ll find the chapter out on the…

  • Report your hours

    Report your hours

    This year, we’re joining our fellow chapters in collecting volunteer hours online. Choose the “Report Volunteer Hours” from the “Our Trails” menu, or go directly to the form: http://mcmba.org/index.php/get-involved/report-volunteer-hours Note that we’re not only collecting FAFL qualifying trail work hours, but we also would like to capture all volunteer activities in support of the chapter…