2020 MCMBA Mountain Bike Trail User Survey

As the MCMBA is planning for 2021, we would like to get your thoughts and opinions on Southeast Michigan trails and MCMBA activities. This survey will help us focus on efforts that grow our membership and are important to our stakeholders, like you! The survey should take about 5 minutes and all responses will be kept anonymous. Anything we share in the future from this will be in aggregate. Thank you in advance for your time!

Click https://forms.gle/zwrTz8RxJ32HJoUc8 to get started!


  • Volunteer


    Volunteer Your time is important. Sure your membership helps and we can put your donations to good use, but if you really want to make a difference, give us a few hours of your time. Clearing branches off a trail after a storm, grilling food for hungry racers at a fundraising event, teaching eager children…

  • Library Overview

    Library Overview

    Library Our chapter maintains an archive of reference material and documents organized in a directory tree of files. Use the following browser to view or download these files. Advocacy Awards Chapter Meeting Agendas Chapter Meeting Minutes Chapter Organization MMBA Bent Rim Bugle Mountain Bike Patrol Trails Waivers and Forms  

  • Munson Park

    Munson Park

    Library > Trails > Munson Park