Hello MCMBA Community!
We are refreshing and expanding our online presence so that we can serve a larger segment of the biking community. A huge part of this success, as in all things we do, is YOU!
Please follow MCMBA and tag us in your trail and bike photos and posts:
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/motorcitymtb
Instagram, Twitter, TikTok – @motor_city_mba
SnapChat – @motorcity_mba
YouTube – MCMBA Outreach or https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDy15c_p-QOpFgUFyXEaF7w
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE – 100 subscribers and we can get a shorter, human-readable url!
If you aren’t on these platforms to tag us, but you’d still like to submit that sweet photo you lined up just right or that rad jump video, please email them to outreach@mcmba.org and include the trail or event with your username.
*IMPORTANT* Only send us pictures of people who have given you their permission to post! We will credit you as best we can, but understand we retain ownership and distribution rights of media emailed directly to us.
If you feel like you’ve mastered ig stories, tik-tok, etc. and want to help create content that will highlight the best of MCMBA, please email me at tammie.philpott@mcmba.org with your profile links.
Annual Fall Social Fundraiser
MCMBA Annual Fall Social – November 13, 2022 The MCMBA is partnered with Supernatural Brewing to host “Dine & Donate” Benefit. This is a win for everyone You get great to enjoy great food and beer, support for a local business, and feel good knowing 10% of your bill will be donated to the local trails.…
Bike Clinics
There are two sure ways to become a better mountain biker: spend a lot of time learning through trial and error; or learn from someone with expertise and training on how to share their knowledge. The latter is a far more efficient way to learn, and usually establishes better form and habits to build on,…
Global Fat Bike Day
December 4, 2021 – Island Lake Recreation Area Global Fat Bike Day 2021 from fat-bike.com Details TBD