Trail Days

Many hands make light work!  Join your community to help clean up and prep the trails for spring at any of the planned dates: 

Saturday, Apr. 23 at 9am
Rouge Park MTB Trail Day

Saturday, Apr. 23 at 9am
Settlers Park Spring Trail Day

Saturday, May 7 at 9am
Tree Farm (Larkshore Park) Trail Day

Saturday, May 14, 8:45am – Noon
Maybury Trail Day

If you can’t make those times or want to help on a trail closer to you, contact the Trail Coordinator at the bottom of the Contact Us page and ask how you can help! 

Volunteers who put in 10 or more hours of trailwork can earn some sweet swag.  Be sure to enter your hours worked, we leverage those hours at the parks to cover permit fees for our events.




    The Motor City Mountain Biking Association is a chapter of International Mountain Biking Association promoting mountain biking in the Metropolitan Detroit area.

  • Proud Lake Recreation Area Overview

    Proud Lake Recreation Area Overview

    Proud Lake The trails open to mountain biking are west of Wixom Road. They are now in great shape due in large part to MMBA volunteers. All are shared with equestrians, so check your speed, stay alert, and be prepared to yield the trail. Trail Status: open Trail Miles: 10 Entry Fees: All vehicles entering the…

  • Island Lake Recreation Area Overview

    Island Lake Recreation Area Overview

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