Happy New Year

Well, in 2012 brought the birth of the MCMBA and it did well. We had some great events such as the Tree Farm Relay & The Brunch at The Farm (Thanks Farmers). As well as the Maybury Time Trial (Thanks Cycle to Fitness) and The ever so popular Milford Challenge ( Thanks Builder Bill). We also have done work at all of our trails with reroutes and some major repairs at ILRA. We now have a complete 3 + mile loop and a new kiosk at Rouge Park(Thanks SCA Group for all your help), this is the only true mtb trail system in Detroit Proper. None of these prior mentioned things could not even happen if it wasn’t for all the blood sweat and effort our volunteers put forth…..THANK YOU!!!.
2013 is appearing to be a very exciting year as well. We will be hoping to participate in the upcoming Detroit Bike City Expo on March 16th at Cobo Hall. We have been in talks with Wayne County Park and have presented them with an MOU to start building a trail system in Hines and a couple of other designated parks. We are in the infancy stages of the possibility of a mtb trail sytem at Belle Isle. We look forward to building our relationships with all our landowners even stronger with our continuing efforts to provide south west Michigan with the best MTB trail system possible. So please keep an eye out for new info and opportunities that you can help participate in….we would love to have you!!!! So make 2013 a great year for you and yours….now go ride a bike!!!!!

  • Tires for Trails

    Tires for Trails

    One of the things that really sets our little community apart are our awesome volunteers. Whenever something needs to be done – trailwork, cooking at a race, helping with a kids ride – people like you are there pitching in to make great things happen. And it’s not just the same core people. Using our…

  • Forage at the Farm!

    Forage at the Farm!

    Fall is here! Join us for the 2nd annual Forage at the Farm! breakfast at Lakeshore Park, sponsored by the Motor City Mountain Biking Association. Sunday, October 13th, Lakeshore Park in Novi. Starts at 10am until everything’s devoured.   This year we’ll be locating our brunch delights in the pavilion near the trailhead kiosk to…

  • MCMBA 2014 Priorities Survey

    MCMBA 2014 Priorities Survey

    Thank you for participating in our recent membership survey. The MCMBA board has been considering this input and is proposing a number of goals and priorities for our chapter. Some of these goals are long term, some short term, some easy, some hard, but all reflect feedback that we’ve received from our recent membership survey…