Trail Trimming Season

It’s a jungle out there!

Long days, warm temps, and days of rain create the perfect conditions for explosive plant growth, and our beloved singletrack is becoming overgrown.

We’ll be scheduling trail work sessions in the coming days, but it’s a busy time of year and organized work days don’t always work with everyone’s schedule. All of the land managers that we work with on our chapter trails allow (and encourage!) our members to trim back growth on our trails using loppers and hand trimmers. You don’t need permission, and you can do it on your own time.

There’s a guide to trail trimming available here that might help you get started.


  • Maybury Trail Day

    Maybury Trail Day

    Please join us for a Spring Cleaning trail day at Maybury State Park this Saturday, April 27th starting at 9:00 am. We’ll be meeting at the Day Camp Shelter area (as we did last year), which is by marker 9 on this map. Please use the 8 mile parking lot and ride in along the…

  • Lakeshore Trail Day

    Lakeshore Trail Day

    We are having a trail work day at the Farm this Saturday at 9:00 AM. This is mostly going to be a cleanup type of trail day where we do some trimming, rut repair, deberming and trash cleanup. We are also going to get rid of the old bridge coming back from Swamp Loop. Lunch…

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    New bridge at Highland

    The DNR and MCMBA joined forces this last weekend on a project to replace an old bridge on the Highland Recreation Area trail. Bridge work this time of year is a cold, wet, messy business… but the end reward is worth it! The new completed bridge is high and dry and looks great! Thanks team!