Maybury Time Trial

Motor City Mountain Biking Association Benefit Time Trial

August 25th, 2019

Championship Point Series

The 13th annual Maybury State Park Time Trial is Race #9 of the 2019 MMBA CPS series, brought to you by the MCMBA. See the Championship Point Series page for more information on the series. 

The Course

The course this year includes some awesome raceday only singletrack. This  will be Maybury as you’ve never experienced it! Total course length of approximately 9 miles. The mix of fast open sprints and tight, technical singletrack reward both cardio AND bike handling skills! Elite and Expert racers will do 2 laps while everyone else will do 1 lap.

Time Trial

Each racer has an individual start time and will be measured against the clock. The start times listed for these categories Are the intial start time for each Class. The actual time will be provided to pre-registered riders at registration. While day of ragisration riders will all be put to the back of their respective classes. Again this is an approximate time listed on the site. Please make sure you arrive 1/2 our prior to this estiamted time for registration and getting ready to burn up the course. Again – specific start times may not be available before race day. We will do our best to post them. there is a 30 second interval between racers. Awards Cash prizes for Expert and Elite racers, plus awards to the top three places in each category. Timing Timing provided by our friends at Race Services, with results available immediately on kiosks and on the web.


Online registration is available at or register on race day.

Kids’s Race

Special course and kids only prizes! This is a fun non-competitive event for the younger kids. Usually about a 100 yard course with limited actual mountain biking. It is meant to be a fun event for the kiddies…ages 2 or 6 years old even.

Tech Support

Neutral tech support will be available to help deal with those last minute issues.


Lunch on site by What’s Up Dawg Deli.


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