It’s trail day season again!

It’s been a long, cold winter, and we can’t wait to get riding! In the daylight. Without studded tires. Without Moose Mitts and frozen toes.

Once again this Spring, the MCMBA is hosting a series of trail days at our area trails. These trail days are a great time to clean up winter deadfall, work on special projects, and generally get the trails ready for the summer riding season.

Working on a trail you love to ride can be very rewarding. If you haven’t participated in a trail day before, we have a small FAQ with helpful tips.

Our traildays are announced on our Events page, in Facebook group, and our Michigan Mountain Biking Association forum. Please join us if you can!


  • Another great Tree Farm Relay!

    Another great Tree Farm Relay!

    Thanks to everyone who came out yesterday and made the Relay such a success! The Relay race provides a significant part of our chapter’s income each year, and make it possible for us to invest in better trails throughout the year. Results are posted at A desktop or laptop will work best for viewing.…

  • A resolution to declare July 2015 as Tree Farm Relay Month.

    A resolution to declare July 2015 as Tree Farm Relay Month.

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  • Hines Park Sign Project

    Hines Park Sign Project

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