It’s trail day season again!

It’s been a long, cold winter, and we can’t wait to get riding! In the daylight. Without studded tires. Without Moose Mitts and frozen toes.

Once again this Spring, the MCMBA is hosting a series of trail days at our area trails. These trail days are a great time to clean up winter deadfall, work on special projects, and generally get the trails ready for the summer riding season.

Working on a trail you love to ride can be very rewarding. If you haven’t participated in a trail day before, we have a small FAQ with helpful tips.

Our traildays are announced on our Events page, in Facebook group, and our Michigan Mountain Biking Association forum. Please join us if you can!


  • FAQ Trailbuilding

    FAQ Trailbuilding

    Trail design, development, and maintenance are key components of the MCMBA and mountain biking in Michigan.  Our trail design volunteers are trained by IMBA using standards developed by the National Park Service and National Forest Service.

  • FAQ Mission

    FAQ Mission

    Our mission: to preserve, protect, and promote mountain bike access and diverse riding opportunities on Metropolitan Detroit’s public lands through education, communication, and unified action.



    The Motor City Mountain Biking Association is a chapter of International Mountain Biking Association promoting mountain biking in the Metropolitan Detroit area.