A resolution to declare July 2015 as Tree Farm Relay Month.

Whereas, the Motor City Mountain Biking Association and Team Tree Farm will be hosting the 10th annual Tree Farm Relay benefit race in July; and

Whereas, mountain bike benefit races are one of the primary funding sources for the chapter and we’re spending a mountain of cash on signs, kiosks, and other trail projects this year; and

Whereas, MCMBA mountain bike races are a vibrant affirmation and expression of Michigan’s finest traditions, operating as volunteer-based events and raising funding for developing and maintaining Michigan trails; and

Whereas, mountain bikers are some of the coolest people around; and

Whereas, mountain bikers support business by purchasing hops, grains, yeast, and bicycle parts in significant quantities; and

Whereas, we have it on the highest authority that July 25th will again provide us with perfect weather and course conditions this year; and

Whereas, our participants will be intoxicated by the aroma of delicious BBQ wafting from the grills of our lunch vendor; and

Whereas, the excellent, professional firm of Race Services has again been retained to provide RFID based timing services for the event; and

Whereas, some of the costumes worn by Tree Farm Relay participants have been highly creative and memorialized in both facebook photos and in our nightmares; and

Whereas, the Relay racing format promotes a high level of competition as well as time for food, drink and social interaction during the day; and

Whereas, beautiful Lakeshore Park in Novi provides an excellent venue for this event, with interesting singletrack and fast passing zones, children play areas, a nice sandy beach, a cheerful, helpful park staff, rest rooms, and ample space for participant tents and staging areas; and

Whereas, there is a high probability of finding a tiki bar out on the race course; and

Whereas, in partial compensation for the missed riding opportunities due to inclement weather earlier this year, Team Tree Farm shall allow for a reasonable level of responsible debauchery during the Tree Farm Relay; and

Whereas, Motor City Mountain Biking Association members are vested in the future, health, and welfare of our trails as providing a diverse set of quality experiences to promote fitness and develop mountain biking skills of a broad range of riders; now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the Motor City Mountain Biking Association, an IMBA chapter, that the members of this body declare July 2015 as Tree Farm Relay Month in the state of Michigan. We recognize the contributions that the MCMBA, Team Tree Farm, and our volunteers have made to the communities and economy of this area.

The question being on the adoption of the resolution,

The resolution was adopted.

Join the fun! More information and registration at http://mcmba.org/index.php/events/treefarmrelay

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