Spring membership drive

IMBA has a spring membership promotion running, with perks for joining/renewing members and potential $ for the chapter!

We’re close – so close – to our growth target. Just a few more new members joining (or existing members renewing early!) in the next few days and the chapter will receive a nice $ bonus – enough to pay for a new 75′ bridge on a trail, or add a dozen McLeods to the tool trailer, or provide 200 lunches for volunteer trailbuilders!

This is your opportunity to really make a difference. Please renew or join today!


  • Membership


    Membership Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the Motor City Mountain Bike Association. There are many ways that we can work as individuals to make Michigan an even better mountain biking scene. Whether teaching someone how to fix a flat tire on the trail, clearing deadfall from a trail after a…