Chapter Meeting

Please join us for our first MCMBA chapter meeting of 2015. We’ve got a lot to talk about – trail day planning,  races and events, and some cool special initiatives our committees have been working on.

If you earned a FAFL award last year, it’ll be worth your trip!

Thursday March 12th at 7 p.m. at the Claddagh Irish Pub.

17800 Haggerty Rd, Livionia, MI 48152

(Across the street from REI)

  • Next up – Milford Bike Fest

    Next up – Milford Bike Fest

      Click here for more details and registration!

  • Spring Bike Demo, May 6th  at Island Lake!

    Spring Bike Demo, May 6th at Island Lake!

    Now in its 12th year, the Spring Bike Demo at Island Lake is a great chance to talk face to face with people who live the life: building, riding, and maintaining the bikes you want to own. Then, take a few out for a test spin on the road and trails at Island Lake, finding…

  • Chapter Meeting

    Chapter Meeting

    Our next Chapter meeting is on March 30th at 7:00 PM at the Claddagh Irish Pub (17800 Haggerty Road, Livonia).  We’ll be discussing upcoming trail days, improvements for each trail, and other MCMBA events for the year!   Agenda is available here. Also, if you were a FAFL award recipient – your awards are in! Pick them up at the…