Chapter Meeting

Please join us for our first MCMBA chapter meeting of 2015. We’ve got a lot to talk about – trail day planning,  races and events, and some cool special initiatives our committees have been working on.

If you earned a FAFL award last year, it’ll be worth your trip!

Thursday March 12th at 7 p.m. at the Claddagh Irish Pub.

17800 Haggerty Rd, Livionia, MI 48152

(Across the street from REI)

  • Next up: Milford Trail Challenge!

    Next up: Milford Trail Challenge!

    Registration at

  • Island Lake Spring Demo Day, May 7th

    Island Lake Spring Demo Day, May 7th

    Started in 2006 by local industry veteran James Knight, the Island Lake Spring Bike Demo is now in its 11th year bringing the best bikes in the market to your trail.  It’s a great chance to talk face to face with people who live the life: building, riding, and maintaining the bikes you want to…

  • Spring membership drive

    Spring membership drive

    IMBA has a spring membership promotion running, with perks for joining/renewing members and potential $ for the chapter! We’re close – so close – to our growth target. Just a few more new members joining (or existing members renewing early!) in the next few days and the chapter will receive a nice $ bonus –…